- barotropism
- баротропизм
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
barotropism — barotropísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic BAROTROPÍSM s.n. (biol.) Reacţie a substanţei vii faţă de modificările de presiune. [< fr. barotropisme]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.11.2004. Sursa: DN BAROTROPÍSM … Dicționar Român
barotropism — n. [Gr. baros, weight; tropein, to turn] A response to pressure stimuli … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
barotropism — SYN: barotaxis. [G. baros, weight, + trope, a turning] * * * bar·ot·ro·pism (bar otґrə piz əm) [baro + tropism] a relatively stereotyped response, often a movement, to pressure stimuli … Medical dictionary
barotaxis — Reaction of living tissue to changes in pressure. SYN: barotropism. [G. baros, weight, + taxis, order] * * * baro·tax·is .bar ō tak səs n, pl tax·es .sēz a taxis in which pressure is the orienting stimulus * * * baro·t … Medical dictionary